Baldhip Rose (Rosa gymnocarpa)
Sold as: 12” bareroot
Also known as dwarf rose or wood rose, they are a smaller rose bush that establishes well in understory/shaded areas. Small pink flowers and rose hips provide color and food in the habitat space they occupy. Has small hair-like “thorns” along thin branching stocks. Pink flowers in early summer and red hips later in season that will hold through fall and into winter, providing a food source for animals.
Establishes in a range of conditions and does well as an understory planting. Supports habitat and mixed forest communities.
Classification: Deciduous shrub
Key Characteristics: Pink flowers, fruits
Light Requirements: Sunny to fully shaded
Water Requirements: dry to moist soils
Ease of Growing: Easy, Hardy, can establish in different conditions.
Growth Rate: Medium
Bloom Time: Early, May and June.
Spreads: Seed or rhizome
Type of support: wildlife, pollinators, streamside planting
Edible: Hip and flowers are edible but small and less palatable
Mature Height: 2-6 feet
Mature Width: 2-10 feet
Photo Credit: Ashley Smithers
Image 1 (Krzysztof Ziarnek via Wikimedia Commons, CC-BY-SA 4.0):
Image 2 (Walter Siegmund via Wikimedia Commons, CC-BY-SA 3.0):