Ease to Grow: Moderate to Difficult
Dormancy: No
Native Range: Savannas of the Southeast Coastal Plain, N. America
Zones: 7-9 (6-11)
The Early or Primrose Butterwort, Pinguicula primuliflora is a temperate, perennial butterwort with striking purple flowers. Its broad and numerous leaves are slightly curled along the margins and rounded at the tips. The leaves are shiny from all the digestive glands. They roll slightly inward and digest the prey where it has landed. It can be a large butterwort, about 3-6" across with a rosette of sticky leaves. It readily clumps from the numerous plants that come from leaf tips and decaying mature leaves. It prefers constantly damp, sandy peat soils, and benefits from being submerged for days or a few weeks at a time in cultivation. It is often associated with P. planifolia or P. ionantha, but not P. lutea, P. caerulea or P. pumila which favor somewhat drier habitats. They benefit from the dappled light provided by growing among grasses and other plants. It flowers prolifically, nearly year round, with a quiet spell in February. The numerous flowers are pale violet with a touch of pink. They are quite striking in a group. It does not form a winter bud. It is prolific and a delight to have in the collection, indoors or out.
Plants are shipped bare-root, wrapped in damp sphagnum moss. Transplanting is a challenge. Use a humidity dome, and initially saturated soil. Photographs are representative of species, and not the specific plant shipped.
Height: 1" - 3 "
Plant Type: Perennial, Warm Temperate
Soil: or
Light: Bright to partial bright indoors, full to bright open shade outdoors
Use: Grows well in the protected bog garden in summer, greenhouse and indoors. It is an excellent terrarium plant. Flowers frequently.